Affiliate marketing sites have always been very salesy and full of “sell now” and “make money fast” tag lines that don’t serve the needs of either gold sellers nor affiliates. In fact, many sellers are put off by aggressive advertising in their attempts to learn more about the process of selling their gold jewelry.

This is why a website that engages its audience and provides educational material earns the trust of the people who visit it. Blogging for your website and other content marketing strategies can go a long way in helping gold affiliates become trusted sources of information to potential clients – and this is the type of trust that gets people to use you when they’re ready to start transacting.


There are a number of reasons you should start blogging for your website and use content to your advantage. First and foremost, it’s a great way to drive more visitors to your website. As most people in the e-commerce industry know by now, Google rewards relevant content with high rankings in the search results pages.

That means that in order to be seen as a relevant source of information, you need content on your site. And lots of it.

Gone are the days where simple three-pager websites were seen as good enough. Today, you need pages of high quality content that keep people engaged to be seen as an authority in your industry, vertical or niche. Besides being able to rank well in Google, blogging for your website and other content can also help you reach a range of different people, allowing you to start segmenting your audience and create the exact content that they would be looking for online.

Blogging for your website gets you an audience

What this results in is content that nurtures (from the coldest to the most eager to buy) leads down the funnel, ensuring that you capitalize on all the eyeballs that are focusing on your site. If you are creating informative and educational content that helps people, you can also anticipate that people will start linking to your blog posts and these referral links can also go a long way in improving your website’s SEO.

Google is always updating their algorithms and everything from inbound links and the time people spend on your pages to the frequency of your posts and updates will have an impact on your search results.

Content creation doesn’t have to break your budget

Another major benefit of blogging and content marketing is that it doesn’t have to cost you much. Buying email lists (which is usually a terrible idea for gold affiliates!), paying for Pay-Per-Click ads and social media marketing ads or online directory placements can quickly start becoming a huge monthly expense. Starting a blog can be as simple and cost-effective as creating free WordPress site and starting to post content online. All it requires is time.

Posting blogs that help people will help you spread knowledge and it will help to make you look like an expert in your field. Being the go-to person for a particular skill or business sector will make you the person that people choose to do business with. Building this type of connection with your readers keeps you top of mind, makes you a trusted source of quality information and it puts them at ease when it becomes time to do business online.


As an affiliate marketer, you undoubtedly want repeat business. While blogging for your website can help you become the person that people turn to when they’re ready to sell gold online, you also want these people to come back and keep doing business with you. Blogging can help you build and deepen the relationship that you have with your readers.

Posting regularly and helping them with their businesses or personal transactions will increase their level of comfort. Being the person that keeps them informed and teaches them how to achieve their goals will put you in the exact position you want to be in as a gold affiliate.

Refinement Services has spent 15 years finding out what works in the gold-exchange industry so that you don’t have to. We know what it takes to build a trusted brand. Now we’re offering you all the tools so that you can do the same. Sign up for our leading affiliate programs today